19 Aug The first "Seed Exhibition" and Agrarian Business Festival has been held in Sheki and Oghuz heti NEWS 44 ƏTRAFLI OXU
08 Aug Another training session has been held at the Scientific Research İnstitute of Animal Husbandry heti NEWS 46 ƏTRAFLI OXU
06 Aug As a result of scientific research on the creation of new animal breeds through proper use of selection and breeding work at the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, twins have been born heti NEWS 63 ƏTRAFLI OXU
05 Aug Artificial semen was collected from breeding rams of the "Bozax" and "Qaradolaq" breeds at SRIAH heti NEWS 73 ƏTRAFLI OXU
02 Aug A new state standard for "Chicken Meat (whole chicken, chicks, broiler chicks, and their parts)" has been developed by the scientists of SRIAH heti NEWS 64 ƏTRAFLI OXU
25 Jul A seminar on "Organizing Selection Work in Animal Husbandry, Genetic Analysis, Electronic Mating Programs, and How to Select Bulls Properly" was held at SRIAH heti NEWS 52 ƏTRAFLI OXU